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Station Maine

We are an organization of community members dedicated to offering boating opportunities, at no cost, to youth of all ages in the mid-coast Maine area.

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Our Mission

1. To practice, share, and encourage the rise of traditional skills of the sea including, sailing, rowing, and seamanship through experiential education.


2. To encourage and stimulate: 

  •  Personal development through challenge 

  •  Teamwork and leadership 

  •  Perseverance and self-reliance 

  •  Initiative and creativity 

  •  Community building and social responsibility

  •  The spirit of adventure 


  • Fitness of mind and body 

  •  Vocational, cultural, and social life skills

  •  International understanding, awareness, and friendships

  •  Interest in local and global maritime heritage

  •  Local and global cultural identity

3. To actively involve members with "sister organizations" creating and strengthening each other's facilities, programs, and projects.


Our Programs

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After School

  • Leadership, Seamanship, Racing, FUN!


School Collaborations

  • Working with teachers during school hours. 

Community rowing club

Community Rowing

  • Rows for all ages

  • Custom Programs

  • Adult Racing


Leadership Program

  • Our core program where the most committed become leaders. 

Come to Oars

What if the dominant discourse on education is just wrong? What if the problem isn't that young people are lazy or irresponsible or addicted to their devices, or that schools aren't holding up their end? What if the problem is that youth are systematically being stripped of adventure or self-determination or of meaningful experience in general? These are the questions at the heart of Come to Oars, Station Maine's book about Experiential Education on the Coast of Maine.

by Muriel Curtis

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A Treatise on Experiential Education

Our Book

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Our Credo

We, the crew of Station Maine, recognizing ourselves as ambassadors of the State of Maine, do embrace to ourselves, the following as values we have chosen to represent, and to which we will be held accountable.


  • Integrity in all things

  • Leadership when called upon

  • Physical, intellectual and moral courage

  • Fitness of Mind and Body

  • Spirit of Adventure

  • Loyalty to those whom loyalty is due

  • Service to our community

  • World Peace

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Living Our Heritage

Our Location

Our Newsletter


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Station Maine

Sharp's Point South

75 Mechanic Street

Rockland ME 04841

Blog / Essays

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